Season ends for Lady Mustangs in last minute loss to Cedar Hill

Genell McClendon

The girls varsity basketball team celebrates junior Crislyn Rose’s career 1,000 points at the conclusion of their first round playoff win against Dallas Skyline.

Emily Lynch, Staff Writer

For the Lady Mustangs varsity basketball team, the season ended with a loss in the second round of the playoffs to Cedar Hill High School. The 46-45 loss came in the last seconds of the game.

“It felt really good making it to the playoffs, especially with all the hard work that we put into making it,” senior Neenah George said.

George also stated that they were already District Champs but that making it to the playoffs is always a totally different achievement.

The varsity girls basketball team has been in the playoffs every year since 2006, which was the first year SHS had a varsity team. 

“It felt like a relief when we won the first round,” senior Criselle Mendoza said. “When we lost in the second round, we knew it wasn’t the end of the world, but it felt like it. It was heartbreaking.”

Mendoza said they would have won the second round, but at the end of the game the referees called a foul on one of the Sachse players that wasn’t anywhere near the opponent they called for it.

“That girl ended up making both free throws, and we lost by one point,” Mendoza said.

In the first round of the playoffs, the Lady Mustangs defeated Skyline 64-49.  During the game junior Crislyn Rose hit a career 1000 points.

The Sachse crowd was prepared for her to hit 1000 and went wild cheering and waving posters celebrating her achievement. 

“When it first happened, I didn’t know that I had finally hit it because I was playing,” Rose said.  “After the game when they announced it, it was instant tears because I was just extremely proud and felt accomplished. Without my coaches I would have never accomplished that, so I thank them more than anything.”