Theatre changes sequence of shows


Kristin Gooding

Singing as she pours coffee, sophomore Sydney Alvarez rehearses for “I Dreamed a Dream.” This is one of the three student directs productions.

Usually, the Mustang Theatre students are hard at work on the Little Theatre show, but this year the directors decided to change things up and start the year with student directs.

The student directs are 20-30 minute shows where students are completely in charge of their shows including auditions, blocking (movement of actors), set design, costumes and props.

Theatre teacher Libby Rotan said they changed the time of student directs because of the Fine Arts Hall construction. They wanted to keep the auditorium open in case band or choir needed the space.

Rotan also said another factor was, “We often have kids taking AP classes, so they have a lot of AP tests when they’re trying to direct. We noticed we had fewer and fewer seniors who felt like they were able to give the time to direct.”

It’s not just the timing of student directs, but also who can direct that has changed. This year the directors decided to allow underclassmen to direct. In the past, it has been restricted to seniors.

“We had some very, very talented underclassmen that we felt could produce quality shows,” Rotan said.

Only once before have underclassmen been allowed to direct, but that doesn’t scare the only underclassmen co-directors, sophomores Kaitlyn Collins and Kristin Gooding.

“We’re super excited to direct a show this year. Hopefully, this opportunity will enable us to obtain an accurate perspective of what it’s like to be our adult directors,” Collins said.

Each director is different and unique, just like their shows. Senior Andrew Bonatti is directing a show about zombies while senior Lucas Sanders is directing a mini-musical about dreams. Collins and Gooding are directing a show about fairy tales.

“I enjoy watching their struggles become successes. My favorite part is watching them watch their shows,” Rotan said.

Student Directs is Sept. 27-28 at 7 p.m. in the Little Theatre. Tickets will be sold at the door for $5.