In this episode of Monster Breakdowns we will continue our analisis by looking at Titanist Tiamat, one of the newer additions in the MonsterVerse lore. We’ll be talking about the Monsters History, biology, abilities, strengths, weaknesses and Unique characteristics that Tiamait has that make her a truly horrifying Monster .
Titanist Tiamat in the creature profile Tiamat is said to be the embodiment of primordial chaos interestingly the mythology behind this Titan(Titans are ancient gigantic creatures studied by the scientific organization known as Monarch) could have dated back to the time period where Mesopotamia was a flourishing land of advancing civilization more than 8,000 Years BC where the well-known Babylonian civilization emerged from the myth states that Tiamat took part in an epic battle that ultimately got her killed and overthrown by her own great-grandson Marduk this association with conflict made her synonymous with the said embodiment of primordial chaos but what other traits does this monster vs Titan borrow from its mythological counterparts?
in the lore Tiamat had an established Dominion before getting usurped by another deity in the monsterverse Tiamat made her home in Godzilla’s Lair possibly killing anything currently living there only to be later defeated and exiled by Godzilla she is also associated with the Deep abyss and Serpentine body similar to some of the creatures Tiamat also created herself but let’s dig a little deeper into the biology of this kaiju(a giant monster of a type featured in Japanese fantasy and science fiction movies).
For starters this animal shows traits of both reptilian serpents and Eels you’ll see why in a little bit first we need to State the fact that this animal can Thrive at Sea and also on land why? because it feeds on electricity, that’s right tiamat is considered to be a bioelectrical Titan capable of transferring energy currents throughout its body causing something called electrogenic cells so how exactly does Tiamat use electricity? This gets a little crazy.
Using these energy currents tiamat will be able to boil the surrounding water at extreme temperatures instigating a water cycle of sorts that creates powerful electrical Super Storms so massive that they can be seen from outer space Additionally the designer of this Kaiju did state that Tiamat would be able to travel on land and in the air with waterspouts instigated by this ability this attribute to transmit energy throughout its body is seen in modern day electric eels these electrogenic cells found in Tiamat take form as something called electrocytes in these fish serving as batteries that emit energy that can be felt in an area covering many meters.
In tiamat’s case this could be useful as a weapon or worse a storm producer potentially killing many life forms on both land and sea the similarities with snakes could rely on the way it moves
and hunts note that this is a Titan that can breathe on land and sea snakes are animals that if in water will need to go up to the surface for air however some species of sea snakes have adaptations that help them absorb water borne oxygen through thin areas of skin underneath
their scale gills allowing snakes to stay underwater a little longer.
In tiamat’s case we could be looking at an exaggerated evolved version of this possibly looking at well-developed gills as seen here. Tiamat has a vast variety of weapons one set being the array of sharp bladed fins that can cut deep even through thick hides such as that of Godzilla using a blend of both constriction and cutting team that would be able to dispatch almost any Titan using this method especially those who aren’t adapted to living underwater in the real world the cat’s eye water snake uses this same method to eat hard-shelled crabs sinking fangs are constricting it wouldn’t be enough so it resorts to coiling around its Target and grinding the edges of its tough scales on the victim and slicing it into chunks while still alive…brutal.. we can see this similar methodology occur as Godzilla is getting sliced from all directions by tiamat what else it does not take a genius to see similar polarities between tiamit’s venomous spitting ability and that of spitting cobras this however is listed as phosphorus ink because Venomous easily diluted in water this means that it will lose its effect much easier if sprayed on another Titan’s eyes ink Works differently in the real world most cephalopods store this ink in sacs inside their mantles this ink According to some research is found to contain compounds that can irritate, numb or deactivate certain sensory organs similar to what happened to Godzilla in the graphic novel making this weapon an equivalent of a flashbang of sorts.
Ready for something trippy? this profile also tells us that tiamat has been in containment for some time now enough for them to learn to mimic sounds of other species using vocal folds in its tendrils.. this could be used as a luring mechanism during predation, but what’s more rare is that Tiamat was apparently able to mimic human voices it doesn’t talk, but certainly emits sounds that sound like that of humans probably implying a good sense of hearing.This Titan while in containment would have heard the small voices of Monarch scientists long enough to imitate them.
Lastly let’s go over this Titan’s official size which is stated to be at 847 feet in length this makes it longer than the wingspan of Mothra(244.8 meters) but still shorter than that of Rodan(265.48 meters) despite this tiamat’s overall length in the comic does seem to surpass this metric being almost twice as long as Godzilla in these images perhaps this was the recorded size of team at once it was under containment then grew to a larger size after its Escape in king of the monsters similar to what happened to Godzilla between 2014 and 2019.