The school of rock focuses on a man named Dewey Finn, who worked at a bar but unfortunately got fired. He ended up being a substitute music teacher at an elite private elementary school, and showed his students the passion he had for what he calls the “Rock Gods”. The students fell in love with rock, and they developed a great relationship. The principal of this elite private elementary school is named Rosalie MullinsIn the movie, she is very uptight and always strict. She constantly has a lot of work to do, and it’s very dreadful for her. Throughout the movie, we realize that Rosalie has a secret love for rock and roll, and wants to be stress free as she once was. As the story continues, Dewey teaches the kids how to play rock and roll and gains a healthier bond with them. They eventually get really good, and at the end of the movie the school’s band team competes with another school band team called “No Vacancy.” They ultimately lost, but the crowd did not agree with that decision. It shows Dewey Finn and his class play one last song that receives an encore and praise from the audience. Dewey and Rosalie eventually get together, and Dewey becomes a full time teacher at the private elementary school.
This movie teaches a lesson to students to help them embrace their talents and to not be insecure about themselves. They overcome their insecurities and realize that rock and roll can help them stand up for themselves. It has great comedy scenes, and if you like Jack black you will definitely like this movie. This movie can also teach adults that just because you got fired from a job doesn’t mean that you’ll never have a better job. Sometimes getting fired can be a good thing, and it can let you experience different jobs in different fields. It gives you an opportunity to find something better and or do what you actually love doing, just like Dewey making his job his passion for rock and roll.
This is a great movie for teachers and students. It is always possible to have a good relationship with one another. There’s always a way to keep things positive and make students feel that going to school is exciting. Teacher/student relationships are important, because they could affect the students grades, and might be the difference between a student passing or a student failing.. Students won’t feel like going to school or doing any work because of the negative relationship they have with their teachers. Teachers should always offer assistance and resources to students, and want only the best for them. They should always try hard to support their student’s feelings and personal preferences.