The multicultural show is all about people of different cultures sharing their culture with dances, songs, or outfits; its whole purpose is for others to experience their culture so they can understand their culture and be more knowledgeable in other cultures other than their own.
Now that I have provided some background on what the multicultural show is about, here’s my review of all the cultures that performed for the multicultural show.
The first performance was a pop dance that was performed by the Sachse K-dance, which was supposed to represent South Korea. It was good, in my opinion. I liked their dance moves. I thought they were amazing at how they were able to dance so well. I also really liked the song choice they danced to.
Then, after the K-pop performance, there was a rap about Sachse and their school policies. The rap was all about making sure to wear your IDs and all the basic rules that we students need to follow. I thought it was a really good way to remind students of the rules in a way most of the students would enjoy being reminded of the rules instead of listening to the rules and being annoyed by them.
Then, the next performance was a dance from the American sign language club to represent America. They danced to the song Party in the U.S.A. they While dancing to the song, they were also singing the song in sign language, which I thought was pretty cool. I liked the performance they did. I also liked how they chose the song Party in the U.S.A. to represent America; I thought it was a clever idea.
Then, after the American sign language club performance was the indian dance to represent India. This one was short, but it was so good. I loved the dances they did. I also loved the outfits so much; they were really good.
Then, after the indian dance, there was the Eastern African dance meant to represent Eastern Africa. Even though this was one of the longer performances, it was still a really good performance. I loved their outfits. I thought they were amazing, and also their dancing was amazing.
Then, after the eastern African dance was a dance to represent Mexico. I thought she danced well; it was a very short dance, but it was also a really good dance. I also really liked her dress; I thought it was nice.
Then, after the Mexican dance was a performance for what I thought was for the Philippines, but it could have also been just a regular performance, was a girl who played When I was your man by Bruno Mars on the piano and also sang it as well. This was my favorite performance because the girl who sang it was amazing. She has such a great singing voice and also she plays the piano perfectly. It was amazing. I enjoyed her performance so much.
After that, the next performance was from the girl who performed the same act she did in the talent show, which was playing the piano. I liked her performance in the talent show, and I also really liked her performance during the multicultural show. I thought she did a really good job, and I love how she can transition between songs so smoothly.
The next performance that happened was a poem to represent Africa. Their poem was about curls and how it’s rude to tell them how they would rather have them in straight hair because it would make them prettier. The one thing I didn’t like about their performance was how they were laughing on stage and didn’t remember their lines. I feel like they were trying to show a meaningful and important poem. They should at least not laugh while saying the poem, and they should also have their lines memorized before going on stage, but other than that, they did well.
Then after the poem it was 2 performances at the same time the first one was a short little signing of Mr telephone man which i thought was very good, then the next performance by them was of the song sticky by tyler the creator i liked their performance of sticky it was very good i loved the dancers who were dancing in the background of the guy signing i also liked the guy signing and the people who came out of backstage to sing i thought they sang good and how they threw fake money in that air i thought that was also really cool.
Then to finish out the multicultural show was a fashion show which had a bunch of countries like India, Korea, Africa and many other countries as well i liked this one because of all the amazing outfits that each country wore every single one of them was amazing and not a single one of the countries that went up for the fashion show had a bad outfit every single one of them was amazing.
That’s my review of the multicultural show and what I liked about each performance.